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1 min read

Sharing a Love For Food When Volunteering Abroad

Sharing a Love For Food When Volunteering Abroad

KevinThe simplicity of a universal love for French-fries regardless of what culture you come from is a small way to know that no matter how different we may think we all are, everyone appreciates a golden delicious fried potato. 

Kevin Morgan, CEO of GeoVisions explains so eloquently the joys and appreciation of human influence when it comes to the shared love for food.  

Dear Friends,

I always find it interesting that everywhere I go, there are so many things to learn everywhere.  Last month in Vietnam, I enjoyed some of the best meals on my winter Asia trip.  Not surprising ... It's always the case.

The French left a wonderful legacy in Vietnam - stunning architecture, grid patterns of boulevards and districts, and a culinary infusion into an already exciting cuisine.describe the image

Pommes frites!  A seemingly universal staple - thank you Belgium and Roy Kroc.  Some of my best recent "French fries" were at a lovely café in Hanoi.  Fried perfectly!  Cut thinly and exquisitely!  Served with courtesy!  Eaten with chopsticks!  Yes, chopsticks!  It was a pleasant, social and perfectly logical way to eat the frites!  East meets west.

As I said, always something to discover!

Yours from Asia,


Five Tips For A Great Volunteer Abroad Homestay

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Five Tips For A Great Volunteer Abroad Homestay

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How Facebook's New Timeline Can Help Your Volunteer Abroad Experience

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